Tuesday, 3 April 2018

Microprocessor and Interfacing- Important Questions

1.                   Draw and explain in detail the Block diagram of 8085 Microprocessor unit (MPU) architecture? 
2.                   Draw and explain in detail the Pin diagram of 8085 Microprocessor unit (MPU)?

3.                   Draw the Timing diagram and explain IN and OUT Instructions      
1.       Define Steppermotor .Explain the interfacing of a stepper motor to 8085 microprocessor with    necessary circuit diagram. Write an ALP to rotate the stepper motor clockwise direction          
2.       What is stack and stack pointer? List stack related instructions? Explain working of PUSH and POP instruction      
3.       With the help of block diagram explain the internal architecture of IC 8257 DMA controller.                                   
4.       Explain the block diagram of 8259 Programmable interrupt controller. What are its features? Explain the interrupt operation of 8259 in the simplest format.
1.                   Explain the block diagram of 8251A programmable communication interface. What are its features? Explain the various modes 8251 in the simplest format
2.                   With the help of block diagram explain the internal architecture of IC 8255 and describe its working in IO mode.
3.                   Write short note on any one of the following.
(a)    Different working modes of IC 8254
4.                   With the help of block diagram explain the internal architecture of IC 8279 Keyboard / Display interface
1.                   Draw and explain Pin diagram of 8086? Also explain the concept of Memory segmentation in microprocessor with diagram
2.                   Draw and explain the architecture of 8086A
3.                   Define Interrupts and list types of interrupts in 8086
1.       What do you understand by the term Addressing mode ? Explain the Addressing modes supported by 8086 by giving suitable examples.      
2.       Explain the following directives and operators with suitable examples:
i)SEGMENT  ii)ASSUME   iii)DUP    iv)SIZE                 


  1. Thank You so much,this was very helpful for my exam. I could cover max topics and i have hope for getting good marks in this subject(thought passing was hard before). Thank you again!!
