Wednesday 16 May 2018



Embedded Computing: Introduction, Complex Systems and Microprocessor; Embedded
System Design Process, Formalisms for System Design, Design Examples. Instruction Set: Preliminaries, ARM Processor
Text Book: Computers as Components Principles of Embedded Computing System Design-Wayne Wolf
Part-A(University Questions)

1 What is embedded system ?What are the various applications of ES?
2 What are the characteristics and challenges of embedded applications?
3 What is the purpose and format of CPSR, SPSR  in ARM Processor
 List the flags of ARM Processor
4 Write a assembly code segment for ARM Processor to find X=(a+b)-c
5 Compare and contrast top-down and bottom-up design
6 Difference between Von Neuman and Harvard Architecture
7 Compare and contrast RISC and CISC
8 Write the stages in ARM 7 Pipeline.
9Distinguish between Microprocessors and Microcontrollers
10 Write the characteristics of Instruction set.
11.What is Trap and common use of Trap.
12.What is Supervisor mode
13.What is Branch Penality
14.Write any three differences between embedded system and a personal computer.
15.What is a Load Store Architecture .why ARM processor follows this architecture.

Part-B(University Questions)

1 Explain the process of Embedded system design, with suitable example
2 What are the different data operations and flow control operations of ARM Processor
3 Explain the design process of Elevator controller
4 What are the characteristics of embedded system applications? Explain
5 Explain the details for requirements and specifications of model train controller
6 Explain Top-down and bottom up approach of an embedded system design process with example

Unit 2
CPU's:Programming Input and output.Supervisor mode, exceptions, traps,Co-processors, Memory system Mechanisms, CPU Performance, CPU Power Consumption Computing Platforms:Basic Computing Platforms,the CPU bus,memory device and system,consumer electronics architecture,platform level performance analysis ,design example.

Text Book: Computers as Components Principles of Embedded Computing System Design-Wayne Wolf
Part-A(University Questions)

1 Define Busy wait-I/O with suitable programming
2 What are the different categories of programming Input and Output
3 Why do most computers use memory mapped I/O
4 Define pipeline stalls how it affect the CPU Performance
5 define Branch Penalty in ARM Processor
6 What is Super scalar Execution
7 What is instruction level parallelism
8 Name three mechanism by which a CMOS microprocessor consumes power.
9 Write the steps in four cycle Hand shake protocol used for Bus Organization
10 Define Co-processor, Unified Cache Memory and its uses
11 Write the Hardware architecture of a typical computing platform
12.Write the differences between maskable and non maskable interrupt.Give example for each

Part-B(University Questions)

1 Write a note on interrupts in ARM and how ARM processor handles it
2 Write shot notes on
            1. Supervisor mode
            2. Exceptions
            3. Traps
            4. Co-processors
3 Explain cache mechanism and different types of Cache Misses and cache memory organization
4 Explain Memory Management Units and various address translation Mechanisms
5 Explain the three parameters influence CPU Performance or processor performance
6 What is DMA how can the concurrency achieved during DMA
7 Explain Memory organization in ARM and SHARC Processor
8 Write short notes on Multiple Interrupts
9 Explain the advantages of interrupts driven I/O over busy wait I/O with suitable I/O program
10.Explain an I/O interface for copying the characters from input to output with interrupts and buffers

Unit 3
Introduction to Real-Time Operating Systems:Tasks and Task States, Tasks and Data, Semaphores, Shared Data, Message Queues, Mailboxes and Pipes, Timer Functions, Events, Memory Management, InterruptRoutines in an RTOS Environment.
Basic Design Using a Real-Time Operating System: Principles, Semaphores and
Queues, Hard Real-Time Scheduling Considerations, Saving Memory and Power, An
example RTOS like UC-OS(Open Source).

Text Book: An Embedded Software Primer, David E.Simor,Pearson Education Chapter:6,7,8

Part-A(University Questions)

1 Difference between RTOS and normal OS
2 What is the Gray area of re-entrant? Give suitable example?
3 What is a)Priority inversion write the uses of it
                b)Deadly embrace
                 c)Priority inheritance
4 Why pipes are called byte oriented task communication? Give one example
5 List the difference between the
a)      task scheduler and dispatcher
b)      task scheduling and Resource Monitoring
6.What are the different types of semaphores
Part-B(University Questions)

1 Consider task A and B is an interrupt sequence routine (ISR) sharing the variable X, Explain the problems related to sharing the data and its solution?
2 Explain about the rules to be followed by Interrupt routines in an RTOS environment?
3 Explain various methods used for inter task communication
4 Write parameters of CPU usage metric? Write the relation between them and impact of each?
5 Explain RTOS design principles
6 What are the problems arising due to shared data and how can a semaphore be used to solve this problem explain with a program.
7 What is ISR .explain various rules of ISR with example.? (Or) Explain about the rules to be followed by Interrupt routines in an RTOS Enviorment
8 explain various real-time scheduling considerations for saving memory with example
9.explain the advantages and disadvantages of having more number of task in the system.

Unit 4
Multirate systems:priority based scheduling,evaluvating operating system performance
Network and multiprocessor:Network and multiprocessor categories,Distributed embedded processors,MPSoCs and shared memory multiprocessors,Design example.

Text Book: Computers as Components Principles of Embedded Computing System Design-Wayne Wolf
Part-A(University Questions)

1 what is SOC, MPSOCS? Give examples
2 Draw a bus with DMA controller and explain briefly?
3 List the difference between task scheduler and dispatcher
4 define Multi-rate embedded computing system? Give example?
5 Difference between shared memory and message passing multiprocessor architectures?
6 What are the advantages of rate monotonic scheduling?
7 Explain the process of BUS read write by DMA with timing diagram
8 Write uses of grid based distributed embedded system
9 Write the parameters of CPU metric techniques write the relation between them and impact of each
10. Explain the Bus Bridge operation with a UML State diagram
11.what are the merits and demerits of multiprocessor systems

Part-B(University Questions)

1 Write short notes on I2C Bus protocol
2 What is the specification of CAN Bus? Explain this protocol in detail?
3 write short notes on hard real time scheduling with an example?
4 Explain the following scheduling algorithms with example
a) priority based task scheduling
b) EDF scheduling
c)RMS scheduling
5 explain the architecture of shared memory multiprocessor with example
6What hardware and software factor might be considered when choosing a computing platform
7 Explain the process of scheduling and allocation of on a distributed embedded system with examples
8.Explain about distributed embedded system. And its advantages
9.Explain the use of data structures ,queue, stack and tree in embedded systems

Unit 5
Embedded Software Development Tools:Host and Target machines, Linker/Locators for Embedded Software, Getting Embedded. Software into the Target System,Debugging Techniques: Testing on Host Machine, Using Laboratory Tools, An Example System

Text Book: An Embedded Software Primer, David E.Simor,Pearson Education Chapter:9,10

Part-A(University Questions)

1 Define a)cross-compiler, give one by listing its uses
               c)assert macro
2 What is locator map? What are the uses of it?
3 List basic techniques for testing and debugging of embedded software
4.What is meant by scaffold code, write its advantages
5.What is the difference between native linker and locator
6.Write the goals of a typical embedded software testing process on the host system
Part-B(University Questions)
1 Explain Debugging techniques?
2 What are the goals of testing process? Explain test system process?
3 Explain about instruction set simulator? Which is the software that runs on host?
4 Explain about logic analyser?
5 Explain various ways of getting embedded software in to target system? With examples and suggest the best method for this
6 Explain the tool chain of embedded software system development.

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