Wednesday 12 April 2017

Microprocessor and Interfacing-Osmania University Question Paper-2012-2016

Previous University Questions
Microprocessor and Interfacing
1.     Write the differences between 8085 microprocessor and 8086 microprocessor? May/June2016-2Marks,
2.     List the interrupt signals in 8085 microprocessor? May/June2016-2Marks
3.     Write an ALP to display digit 7 at the output port01? May/June2016-2Marks
4.     What are the rotate instruction in 8085 Microprocessor May/June2016-2Marks
5.     Draw the STA Timing Diagram- May/June2016-3Marks
6.     Write an ALP to transfer data from (10bytes) XX50 to XX90- May/June2016-3Marks
7.     Write Four differences between Microprocessor and microcontroller- May/June2014-2Marks, May 2013-2Marks, - May/June2012-2Marks
8.     List the Addressing modes of 8085 with examples for each- May/June2014-3Marks, - May/June2012-2Marks
9.     Explain about the DAA instruction of 8085 microprocessor- May/June2014-2Marks
10.  Draw the flag register of 8085 and write the function of each flag with example- May 2015-2Marks
11.  List the four primary operations commonly performed by the MPI.-Dec 2013-2Marks
12.  What the SIM and RIM instructions in 8085MP—Dec-2013-2Marks,May/June2015-3Marks
13.  What determines whether a microprocessor is considered an 8,16,32 bit device. —Dec-2012-2Marks
14.  Identify the Number of machine cycles and T states for STA2050H—Dec-2012-3Marks
15.  Register B has 93H and accumulator holds 15H illustrate the following  -- May/June2012-3Marks
16.  Define instruction cycle, machine cycle and T-state May/June2012-3Marks
1.     Describe the Addressing Modes of 8085 Microprocessors with examples. May/June2016-4Marks,
2.     Explain data transfer and arithmetic Instructions of 8085  Microprocessors with examples- May/June2016-6Marks,
3.     Write an ALP to sort N numbers- May/June2016-5Marks,
4.     Write an ALP to find the largest numbers in an array- May/June2015-5Marks,
5.     Draw and describe the Timing Diagram OUT 01H instruction- May/June2014-10Marks, May/June2012-10Marks.
6.     Write an ALP program for sorting list of numbers in descending order using subroutines- May/June2013-5Marks.
7.     Explain the internal architecture of 8085 Microprocessors -Dec2013-10Marks. May/June2012-10Marks.OR
8.     Explain 8085 Microprocessor functional block diagram- June2014-10Marks
9.     Explain the pin out of 8085 Microprocessors -Dec2012-10Marks.OR
10.  Draw the schematic pin diagram of 8085 MP and explain the various functions of 8085MPU- May/June2013-10Marks
11.  Draw and describe the Timing Diagram IN instruction- Dec2012-10Marks.

1.     List the Interrupt Signals in 8085 microprocessor. (3M)May/June-2016,May/June-2014 Dec-2013,May/June-2102
2.     Match the following:
8255  Programmable interrupt controller
8279  Programmable Interval Timer
8254  Programmable peripheral interface.
8259  Programmable keyboard/display controller.(3M) May/June-2015
3.     What are the various registers used in 8259.(2M) May/June-2015
4.     If the memory chip size is 1024* 4 bits, how many chips are require to make up 2K(2048) bytes of memory.(2M)Dec-2013
5.     What is a stack and write applications of stacks.(2M) Dec-2013
6.     Identify the port address in fig(2M) Dec-2013
7.     Write the format of status register in 8257(3M) Dec-2013
8.     Write a code to display digit 4 at Port 01H(3M) May/June-2102
9.     List the subroutine instructions of 8085.(2M) May/June-2102
10.  Draw the format of the mode set register of 8257.(3M) May/June-2102

1.     Discuss the stack and subroutine concepts with examples.(5M) May/June-2016,April/May-2013,Dec-2012
2.     Describe the 8257 DMA controller with a neat diagram.(10M) May/June-2016,May/June-2015, April/May-2013
3.     Write short notes on D/A converter of 8085.(5M) May/June-2016
4.     Explain about stack of 8085 with PUSH and POP Instructions.(5M) May/June-2015
5.     Explain about the programmable Interrupt controller 8259A.(10M) May/June-2014,Dec-2012
6.     Write short notes on A/D converter of 8085.(5M) May/June-2014
7.     Write short notes on JMP and CALL Instructions of 8085 microprocessor(2M) May/June-2014
8.     Explain 8085 vectored interrupts.(5M) April/May-2013
9.     Explain about the 9085 vectored interrupts(5M) Dec-2013
10.  Explain the interfacing of DAC and ADC(6M) Dec-2013

1.     Write short notes on RS-232 C.(3M) May/June-2016, April/May-2013,Dec-2012, May/June-2102
2.     Explain about the control word format of 8255 PPI in I/O mode.(3M) May/June-2014
3.     Write control word Register initialization instructions for the 8255A PPI to set i)port A as an output port in mode 0 ,ii)port B as an output port in mode 1 for I/O iii)PCU as an O/P in mode 0.(3M) April/May-2013.
4.     List out mode in keyboard and display controller 8279 interface (3M) April/May-2013.
5.     What is key bounce, Explain different key bouncing techniques? (3M) April/May-2013, Dec-2013
6.     How many types of errors are there in serial communication(3M) Dec-2013
7.     Show the formats of mode word, command word and status word of 8251(3M) Dec-2013
8.     Define BSR mode in 8255.(2M) May/June-2102
9.     Compare memory mapped I/O and Peripheral mapped I/O.(3M) May/June-2102

1.     Draw and explain about the functional block diagram of 8255A (10M). May/June-2016, May/June-2015, May/June-2014
2.     Write short notes on 8253 interval timer of 8085(5M) May/June-2016
3.     Write short notes on USB.(2M) April/May-2013.
4.     Write short notes on modes of 8251 PCI (2M) April/May-2013, Dec-2013
5.     List and explain the modes of 8254 Programmable interval timer(5M) Dec-2013
6.     Explain the procedure foe interfacing keyboard to microprocessor and draw the block diagram of 8279, programmable keyboard/display interface device.(6M) Dec-2013
7.     Write the modes of programmable interface 8255 PPI(4M) Dec-2013
8.     Discuss the function of 8279 with a neat diagram.(10M) May/June-2102

1.     List the addressing modes of 8051 microcontroller.(2M) May/June-2016, April/May-2013.
2.     Explain the importance of bit addressable memory in 805.(2M) May/June-2015
3.     Write an 8051 assembly language program to move the contents of external program memory to register R4.(3M) May/June-2015
4.     Show how LCD is interfaced with 8051 microcontroller Diagrammatically(3M) May/June-2015
5.     What are the interrupts available in 8051 microcontroller and their priorities(3M) May/June-2015
6.     Explain the programming model of 8057 microcontroller with diagram(5M) May/June-2014
7.     Explain the internal RAM organization of 8051 with the diagram(5M) May/June-2014
8.     Discuss the criteria for selecting a microcontroller device (2M) April/May-2013.
9.     Explain the 8051 standard registers(2M) Dec-2013
10.  How interrupts are handled in 8051 microcontroller? Explain(2M) Dec-2013
1.     Explain 8051 stepper motor with a neat diagram.(5M) May/June-2016
2.     Explain the 8051 DAC with a neat diagram.(5M) May/June-2016
3.     Explain about the functional block diagram of 8051 microcontroller (10M) May/June-2015.
4.     Explain 8051 micro controller architecture and pin diagram along with memory organization (10M) April/May-2013, Dec-2013
5.     Write a program to implement subroutines in 8051 microcontroller(4M) Dec-2013

1.     Write difference s between 8085 microprocessor and 8086 microprocessor.(2M) May/June-2016
2.     Write about Flags of 8086 microprocessor.(3M) May/June-2016, May/June-2014
3.     Write the registers of 8086 microprocessor.(2M) May/June-2016, May/June-2015
4.     What are the advantages memory segmentation in 8086 Microprocessor.(2M) May/June-2015
5.     Explain the branch prediction logic of Pentium.(3M) May/June-2015
6.     What are the advantages of using segment registers in 8086 Microprocessor.(2M) May/June-2014
7.     Write differences between 80386 microprocessor and 80486 micro-processor (2M) April/May-2013.
1.     Discuss the features of advanced microprocessor of 80386,80486 and Pentium Processor.(10M) May/June-2016
2.     Explain about the features of Advanced processors.(10M) May/June-2015, May/June-2014
3.     Explain the addressing modes of 8086 Microprocessor. Explain with examples(10M) May/June-2014, April/May-2013
4.     Explain the memory management of 80386.(5M) April/May-2013
5.     Write short notes on real mode and protected mode in Pentium processor(3M) April/May-2013

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