Wednesday 14 January 2015

Interrupts of 8085

Interrupt of 8085 

An interrupt is a signal from a device attached to a microprocessor or from a program within the processor that causes the main program to stop and figure out what to do next. (Or) Interrupt is a process where an external device can get the attention of the microprocessor.

What happens when MP is interrupted ?
          When the Microprocessor receives an interrupt signal, it suspends the currently executing program and jumps to an Interrupt Service Routine (ISR) to respond to the incoming interrupt. Each interrupt will most probably have its own ISR. There are two ways of redirecting the execution to the ISR depending on whether the interrupt is vectored or non-vectored.
         Vectored: The address of the subroutine is already known to the Microprocessor
         Non Vectored: The device will have to supply the address of the subroutine to the Microprocessor
          When a device interrupts, it actually wants the MP to give a service which is equivalent to asking the MP to call a subroutine. This subroutine is called ISR (Interrupt Service Routine) The ‘EI’ instruction is a one byte instruction and is used to Enable the non-maskable interrupts.The ‘DI’ instruction is a one byte instruction and is used to Disable the non-maskable interrupts.

Classification of Interrupts
1.Hardware Interrupts (TRAP, RST7.5, RST 6.5, RST5.5 and INTR)
2.Software Interrupts (RST0, RST1, RST2, RST3, RST4, RST5, RST6, RST7)

Hardware Interrupts:An external device initiates the hardware interrupts and placing an appropriate signal at the interrupt pin of the processor. If the interrupt is accepted then the processor executes an interrupt service routine. The 8085 has five hardware interrupts
(1) TRAP             (2) RST 7.5             (3) RST 6.5         (4) RST 5.5       (5) INTR

Classification of Interrupts
1.       Maskable and Non Maskable
2.       Vectored and Non vectored
3.       Edge triggered and Level Triggered
4.       Priority Based Interrupts
1.Maskable interrupts :Maskable interrupts are those interrupts which can be enabled or disabled.Enabling and Disabling is done by software instructionsRST7.5, RST 6.5, RST5.5 and INTR. Non-maskable interrupts.:The interrupts which are always in enabled mode are called non-maskable interrupts.These interrupts can never be disabled by any  software instructions.TRAP is non-maskable interrupt
2.Vectored Interrupts:The vectored Interrupts points to the particular location in memory.List of vectored Interrupts TRAP, RST7.5, RST 6.5, RST5.5
Non vectored Interrupts:The Interrupts which don’t have fixed memory location for transfer of control from normal execution. INTR is a Non vectored Interrupt
3.Edge triggered Interrupt:The interrupts which are triggered at leading or trailing edge are called edge triggered Interrupt.RST7.5 is a Edge triggered Interrupt.Level Triggered Interrupt:The interrupts which are triggered at high or low level are called Level Triggered Interrupt.RST 6.5, RST5.5 and INTR is a Level Triggered Interrupt
4.Priority Based Interrupts:Whenever there exists a simultaneous request at two or more pins then the pin with higher priority is selected by the microprocessor
Comparison of hardware Interrupts

The 8085 Non-Vectored Interrupt Process
  1. The interrupt process should be enabled using the EI instruction.
  2. The 8085 checks for an interrupt during the execution of every instruction.
  3. If INTR is high, MP completes current instruction, disables the interrupt and sends INTA (Interrupt acknowledge) signal to the device that interrupted 
  4. INTA allows the I/O device to send a RST instruction through data bus.
  5. Upon receiving the INTA signal, MP saves the memory location of the next instruction on the stack and the program is transferred to ‘call’ location (ISR Call) specified by the RST instruction
  6. Microprocessor Performs the ISR.
  7. ISR must include the ‘EI’ instruction to enable the further interrupt within the program.  
  8. RET instruction at the end of the ISR allows the MP to retrieve the return address from the stack and the program is transferred back to where the program was interrupted.

Software Interrupt:
          The 8085 recognizes 8 RESTART instructions: RST0 - RST7.Each of these would send the execution to a predetermined hard-wired memory location:

Restart Instruction
Equivalent to
CALL 0000H
CALL 0008H
CALL 0010H
CALL 0018H
CALL 0020H
CALL 0028H
CALL 0030H
CALL 0038H
The restart sequence is made up of three machine cycles
         In the 1st machine cycle:
          The microprocessor sends the INTA signal.
          While INTA is active the microprocessor reads the data lines expecting to receive, from the interrupting device, the opcode for the specific RST instruction.
         In the 2nd and 3rd machine cycles:
          the 16-bit address of the next instruction is saved on the stack.
          Then the microprocessor jumps to the address associated with the specified RST instruction.

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